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This guide walks you through the setup of you API. We will go over how to create and manage your API keys and how to make authenticated requests to Hivelight

Generate an API key

To generate an API you need to have access to a Workspace as an Admin or an Owner.

Head over to Settings > Integrations and select the API tab.

Select a user

In the Generate key box, select a user API Key User Selection

This is the user the API will be used as. It will share the same privileges and restrictions as the user using Hivelight. In other words, if the selected user cannot access a matter, it will not be able to access this matter via the API either.

Enter a key label

Than, enter a label to identify this API key API Key Labelling

This label will help identify the key

Create key

Then, click on Create key button

API Key Created

You have now created an API key that can be used to request resources on Hivelight. The key will only appear once after its creation, you will not be able to access it again, so ensure the key is stored safely, consider it like a password.

Make authenticated requests

To interact with Hivelight’s API, all requests need to be authenticated with an API key. This is done by setting the x-api-key header to the value of the generated key.

Here is a call to the /matters endpoint using Postman

API Call example